Laura Santamaria

(b. 1976, Monza - Italy)

She lives and works between Como and Milan; graduated from Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan and later specialized from the Loughborough University School of Art and Design. Her artistic research is focused on the use of pure matter, fire, pigments or crystals, to which she approaches with method, starting from a thorough study at a cognitive level and further following an individual artistic process, always highly experimental.

Her site-specific projects and sculptures often present the viewer a parallelism between the micro and macro cosmos, thus reflecting on systems and processes of interconnectivity. Her multidisciplinary practice has been exhibited in museums and international institutions such as the Whitechapel Gallery in London (2015) and the MAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, A Coruña (2019). Founder and curator of ‘Drawings from Lightning’, a multidisciplinary project focused on contemporary drawing, animated by international collaborations, artist book publications, exhibitions and workshops.


Available artworks


Series: Astronomy for Lovers (2012 - ongoing)